How to setup the automatically Github pull function?

In this step-by-step guide we will explain you how to setup the Github pull function of the panel.

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Schritt 1:

Open the "Startup" tab in the panel.

Startup tab

Schritt 2:

Fill in all required fields:

"Auto Update" - turn this one on

"Git Repository" - enter the link to the Github repository. Don't use "https://" prefix. E.g. ""

"Git Branch" - enter the name of the branch you want to pull

"Git Username" - enter your Github username

"Git access token" - enter your Github access token. Here is a guide how to create a Github access token

"Git email" - enter your Github email for git commits

"Git name" - enter your Github name for git commits

Github setting fields

Schritt 3:

Be sure that the "File Manager" is empty the first time you want to pull the repo.

Empty file manager

Schritt 4:

Start the server. Your files will be cloned and will be updated every time you start the server again.